Take a seat...

Let the gentle strength of gardens lull you to a sweet place .

In a corner of the world, nestled into a hillside of a village, there is a garden. That lady in the silly sun hat and the baggy trousers? She's the gardener pottering amongst her magic.

Soon, we hope to share the benefits of our natural-methods garden.

Qualified in Permaculture Design with a thriving garden full of abundance, birds and wild things, there is so much to say about the benefit of growing food for the home and all the tumble of critters that inhabit our garden spaces.

At Blue Bubble Lane we pride ourselves on not using chemicals or artificially derived fertilisers. And the proof is in the pudding, or the fruit and vege basket!

Anyone can grow a teeny patch, a potted patch or a large garden, it's just like anything - learning the basics, finding what works for your life and lifestyle and what doesn't, and creating a method that suits your soil, your climate and your specific needs and time.